Internet Marketing Dictionary is a free tool to get technical definitions and lookup industry terms from more than 19,000 terms, acronyms, and definitions.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Book
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Customer Personas - Buyer Personas Customer Personas - Buyer Personas
Customer personas are classifications that potential buyers are assigned based on shared interests or problems in need of solutions.
Customer Personas - Buyer Personas Customer Persona
Customer Persona
This figure shows an example of a customer persona (called "Bob") of a person who is responsible for designing technical systems for a communication company. Bob has several problems or product needs that include understanding new technologies, identifying ways to increase reliability and to get systems setup within defined time periods (deadlines). Bob is likely to regularly search for technical terms and information on certain types of products. He is likely to participate in industry forums and he is likely to post feedback on products and services that do not meet their defined characteristics.
alt Affiliate Marketing Books
Affiliate Marketing Book
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Affiliate Marketing
This book explains how to setup and manage affiliate marketing programs through affiliate agreements. Discover how to begin selling your products through other companies without direct negotiation. Learn how to create affiliate partnerships, and setup and track links on their web pages. Understand affiliate marketing economics including the revenue sources..

$19.99 Printed, $16.99 eBook
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Disclaimer: eMarketing Dictionary Tool is the trademarks of Althos. Althos is not affiliated with any other website and provides the information in this dictionary from content created by our expert writers. Althos provides our services on "as is" and "as available" basis and we do not provide any guarantees regarding this service's accuracy and/or availability.
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